


presented by

If you could ask anyone in the world for advice on how to grow your business, who would you pick?

No really, dream big.

How about a woman who used collaborations to make $20 million in one year from selling bracelets—without any outside investors?

Or, a business owner who started a healthy candy business at 22-years-old and sold it for $360 million a few years later?

The former marketing guru from Away who's scaling a big hair brand? Women who build businesses while building their families, who started in college and started later in life, who have raised millions from investors and others who have bet their life savings?

We called them all, asked very very very nicely, and have lined up a series of FREE Group Business Coaching calls that will blow you away. Eek, we’re so excited.

During these live video calls, you’re invited to listen in to the convo, or get involved and drop your specific biz questions in the chat to hear tailored advice from handpicked business owners doing incredible things.

We’re keeping this series 100% free thanks to the support of AMP. They're the folks behind a bunch of our favorite Shopify apps that actually connect with each other (this is a game-changer!), manage everything from onsite conversion to analytics and shipping, and generally just make life a lot easier for anyone selling online. Which is, um, all of us.

Space to join the Group Business Coaching call series is limited and we will hit capacity.

You know what to do.👇